As all alumni are now considered members of the Association, we invite you to participate in our upcoming elections for the 2024-26 ESF Alumni Association Board of Directors! With over 22,000 alumni now eligible to vote, we have moved from a paper ballot to an online option.
We have received numerous nominations from enthusiastic alumni interested in serving on the Board. This demonstrates the dedication and commitment of our alumni community towards the betterment of our Association.
The deadline to submit your completed ballot is September 15, 2024. Your timely response is greatly appreciated to facilitate the smooth conduct of the election process.
The announcement of the new officers will be made during the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association during Homecoming Weekend on Friday, September 27th. We encourage you to join us on campus that afternoon to witness this significant event.
All returned ballots are kept confidential. It would be greatly appreciated if you could vote via the link below prior to September 15.
Please note that there is also a box to check to approve all candidates as all candidates are running unopposed.