e v charging station

Ten new electric vehicle charging stations installed by ESF will create one of the largest and most affordable publicly accessible charging hubs in Syracuse.

Serving both the campus community and the public, the project will use pricing set with the goal of recouping the operational costs of the charging stations and will not be a profit-driven model.

“ESF is happy to lead the way and make the infrastructure available for the driving public to use more environmentally friendly vehicles,” said ESF President Joanie Mahoney. “We are all in this together and every little bit people can do will help us all to live in a healthier environment.”

“The College will be charging 20 cents per kilowatt-hour to charge a vehicle which we think will provide a strong incentive for people to use electric vehicles,” said Sue Fassler, ESF’s sustainable facilities manager.

Using incentive programs from National Grid, NYSERDA and a grant from the ESF College Foundation, the College was able to expand its existing charging network, which previously consisted of one charging station at the east end of campus near its Physical Plant building.