2024 Senior Reunion & Homecoming Weekend
Mark your calendars! Join us for an unforgettable Homecoming/Senior Reunion Weekend on September 26-28, 2024. Prepare to reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate the spirit of our alma mater. More details to follow. Save the date and get ready to make lasting memories!
Please visit www.esf.edu/alumni/homecoming/

Homecoming/Senior Reunion 2023
Homecoming/Senior Reunion 2023 was a great success, bringing together nearly 200 people in a celebration of nostalgia and camaraderie. Alumni from various class years reconnected and reminisced about their time on campus. Old friends and classmates joined together at the many special events held throughout the weekend, including the Senior Reunion Dinner, the Welcome Back Reception, the grand re-opening of Marshall Hall, the “TG” and block party, a special reading from Dr. Robin Kimmerer, dendrology tours with Dr. Don Leopold, a picnic on the Quad and a special culinary event featuring local foods & beverages. The weekend was packed with laughter and stories, and the time spent together only helped to strengthen the bonds shared by ESF alumni. We hope you’ll join us for Homecoming/Senior Reunion 2024!