Joanie Mahoney
You might have noticed the name of our magazine changed to ESF Alumni Magazine. We did that to better reflect the heart of each issue, which is written for and about our esteemed alumni. As you flip through this edition’s pages, we hope that you notice the theme of ESF people activating our mission to “Improve Your World.”
The cover story highlights a partnership between ESF and the Syracuse VA Medical Center. The Therapeutic Horticulture Rooftop Garden program — started by chemistry chair Dr. Lee Newman and graduate student Daniel Collins ‘21 — uses the connection between nature and health to benefit veterans. When Dr. Newman and Dan began the program 10 years ago, they may not have imagined just how many lives they would impact.
ESF has some of the best alumni on the planet. The Graduates of Distinction honored at December 2022 Commencement are nothing short of amazing. Meera Jagroop ’12 is helping to establish a connection between urban youth and nature to ensure the planet is in well-informed and caring hands. Eric Murdock ’93 has spent his career examining septic systems’ effects on fresh water and engineering better solutions and, as a result, helping to change state regulations. Karyn Richards ’81 and ’84 has made a lasting impact on forest policy, as well as the lives of the many people who live, serve, and govern in the Adirondack and Catskill parks where the Forest Preserve lands are protected by the state of New York.
If you didn’t catch her in a media segment (and there were a lot – even as far away as Hawaii!), meet Molly Jacobson ‘21. To help ESF maintain its status as a Bee Campus USA, Molly is building pollinator habitats to attract bees, butterflies, and other insects. Not only does this create an environmentally friendly campus, but it also greatly impacts the food chain.
These stories are just a few examples of the incredible impact that our alumni, faculty, and students collectively make every day. ESF is a community of people who have a desire to make the world a better place — and no effort is too small when it comes to how we can protect our planet and show humankind a better way. Just as we told our recent graduating class, I encourage you, readers, to go forth and Be Mighty.